Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Thoughts While At the Gym

It occurred to me that my brain goes all over the place when I'm at the gym. Today I tried to remember some of the random things that passed through my head...

- Do I want to listen to my iPod or watch the Today Show? Not feeling music, Matt Lauer it is.

- I feel like Al Roker doesn't match today.

- Why can't Republicans and Democrats remember WHY they are doing what they're doing instead of fighting with each other? It's never good for a family when mom and dad just fight all the time, what makes them think it's good for the country?

- Why did I bring my phone in?

- Wow, "Atlas Shrugged". That's some pretty heavy reading for the gym.

- I wonder what the story is with those two. He started to talk to her recently, I never see them with anyone else, no wedding bands... romance at the gym?

- I wish Planet Fitness offered aerobics classes...

- Michelle Obama made the Maxim 100? OK then.

- Jim Cramer was awfully calm this morning... so different than when he's on "Mad Money".

- Oh man. Maybe they'll do the Cosby Show reunion while I'm at the gym. Better pay attention.

- Wow! Even the guy who played the grandfather is going to be on the reunion... he has a walker? Wow. Time has certainly passed...

- I love the little old ladies at the gym. They're so cute.

- Glad those people who got lost at sea scuba diving are OK. I wish I wanted to scuba dive because Steve wants to...

- Has it really been 25 years since the Cosby Show debuted? I wish I had DVR... oh well. I'll just look on Hulu later and see if the interview is posted.

- Why oh why do women get all dolled up with hair and make-up to go to the gym? I guess that's not as bad as the perfume though... makes me gag when I'm trying to work out. I can't be the only one. How do you address that with someone? It's awkward like the BO conversation...


Anonymous said...

Wow, you really notice people at the gym, when I go there I usually bring a magazine or book, my iPod and tune out of everything else.

Maria said...

I was so bummed about missing the Cosby Show reunion. I was really tempted to stay home. Heh. I hope it's online somewhere!