"The Sun Will Come Out..."
Time for some Take Me Back Tuesday...
What was the first musical movie you saw (not necessarily broadway related)?
The first musical that I remember seeing was Mary Martin's "Peter Pan" when I was a kid. My mom rented it on VHS and we (my brother and I) watched it with her. I remember thinking to myself the whole time "Why is PETER Pan played by a girl?". Mom really didn't have a good answer for that...
What was the most recent musical movie you saw?
The most recent was definitely "Fiddler on the Roof" which I caught on "On-Demand" when I was sick right after we moved. I first saw that as a musical at the North Shore Music Theater and I cried, so when I saw it on the listings and had nothing to do except be sick - I decided it was a good time to finally see the movie. Yes, it also made me cry.
Have you ever seen a movie because of the music that was in it?
Yes. When I was in high school and marched in Winterguard, I watched "Interview with a Vampire" and "Only You" (Sophomore and Senior years, respectively) The shows were based around the music and to an extent the coaches/choreographers based the show around the movie as well. I thought that watching the movies would help me to be a better performer on the floor.
What is your favorite musical (Movie and Broadway show if you have one)?
My favorite musical that's a movie is hands down "Annie", and not that crappy Kathy Bates version either. I mean the one where Carol Burnett played Ms. Hannigan. Yeah, that one. I love that movie. As far as a live musical, so far I would have to say "Fiddler on the Roof" at the North Shore Music Theater out of all the ones I've seen so far.
Current Music: Fall Out Boy, "Sugar, We're Going Down"
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