Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sometimes I Ask... WHY?

So I wasn't going to post today. I didn't have anything appropriately formulated in my brains.

But... this... this was just too... disturbing to let pass by. I saw this as one of Ravelry's new crochet pattern links today and was just... I wanted to cry. Before you click on this linke be warned: you're about to see an unhappy baby with an pickle and antennae on her head: OK Click here... but don't say I didn't warn you

Does anyone understand the Katamari Damacy thing? And if you do, would you subject your innocent child to putting that thing on their head? The last picture the child just looks so blatently uncomfortable and unhappy.

I go to work now... weeping...


kat said...

Haha...don't cry or should I say "Can we please cry together?" What purpose does it serve and why is it so hideous?

Kimberly Pye said...

Oh my goodness -- that is adorable! I want one.

Shannon said...

Perfect for an infant...

"The primary story in Katamary Damacy deals with the aftereffects of the planet-sized King of All Cosmos' binge drinking spree that wiped out all the stars and other celestial bodies from the sky."

Anonymous said...

That's gotta be the ugliest thing ever.